Course offered & Domain


Choose your domain based on your qualifications, and the platform will display courses available for registration according to the course schedule

These changes aim to enhance DEET app's visual appeal and user-friendliness, effectively communicating its value proposition

Hero section and CTA


Custom Images: Placing custom images in the left corner of the interface can help create visual interest and convey the essence of the DEET app.

Illustrations: Using illustrations strategically where needed can enhance the visual appeal and convey information more effectively.

White Background: Switching to a white background helps reduce distraction and allows the content to stand out more prominently.

Targeting DEET Product: Focusing the design on highlighting the DEET product ensures that users understand its features, benefits, and purpose clearly.

Product features section

Displaying three GIFs within a single viewport appeared overly distracting for users. If our goal is to showcase all features upfront, we should consider using static images instead.


Join as a Partner Page

We designed this page to attract partners in three key areas: job fairs, skill development, and ecosystem collaboration. With an inquiry form and testimonials from past partners, we aim to build trust and credibility.


  • Partners

Pages of Employers and Jobseeker

These changes aim to create a visually appealing and user-friendly interface that effectively communicates the value proposition of the DEET app while minimizing distractions and enhancing focus on the core product.


  • DEET Landing page

DEET's Landing Page

This landing page introduces DEET services, seamlessly guiding users between sections for employers and job seekers, while also unveiling new pages like Skill Development and Job Fairs.



Based on the findings mentioned above, we have a rough idea of the sections we want to include on the landing page and the goals each section will serve.


Design explorations

Below is the finalized design for the DEET Landing Page on web. I’ve broken down each element of this page, explaining their purpose and how they will contribute to attracting new users and increasing registrations on our platform.

  • It's currently unclear whether the page is designed for employers or job seekers.

    The layout contains excessive negative space and lacks essential information.

    A call-to-action (CTA) button is missing for users to connect or register for partnerships.

    The visual presentation of our product needs improvement.

    The padding requires improvement.

    A single mockup is utilized to illustrate all the features of the product.

    A new layout is needed.

    The "About" section in the footer requires its own dedicated page.

    The Employer landing page contains excessive explanation without any CTA button for user interaction.

    The overall layout allocates too much space to text and the hero image, resulting in inefficient use of the page.

    The DEET logo lacks proper alignment.

    A new layout is needed.

    We need a new layout for highlighting key features.

Discovering the problems with the current landing page

From our initial meetings with the stakeholders, I gained insights into why we’re considering a redesign and our goals. I also understood what they feel are the primary problems with the current landing page.

  • Users can choose their domain and view all available jobs on the DEET portal.

    Find Jobs


  • About Page

  • Success Stories

  • FAQs

  • Job Fairs

Users can browse job fair events at respected colleges and register, whether it's for employer or applicant participation

Job fair & Events


  • Skill Development Program


Skill Development Program

The Skill Development Program aims to boost market penetration, enrollment, revenue, and networking to enhance reach

DEET, stands for Digital Employment Exchange of Telangana, represents the pioneering digitization of employment services by the Government of Telangana. Powered by AI, DEET's job search engine delivers tailored job recommendations, simplifying your quest for the perfect opportunity. With just a swipe, you can effortlessly apply for your job.

Design Brief

This landing page redesign, we are focusing on the employer side, where the employer will be registering for DEET employer side platform. In the initial stage, we had a limited number of pages. However, through the process of revamping and discussions with the government, we have expanded our website to include numerous additional pages that address various requirements.




Aug 2023 - Present


Product Designer
Responsible for research, conceptualisation, design, user testing and delivery of key modules and feature areas.


01 Product Designer
01 Product Manager
07 Engineers



  • The TS DEET Landing page, primarily focuses on two main pages catering to job seekers and employers, with less emphasis placed on highlighting other significant aspects.

  • These include skill development programs, job fairs, department-specific courses, and partner collaborations, which currently lack visibility on the website.


After conducting an initial round of discussions with stakeholders, we identified the primary set of issues with the current landing page that we aim to address through the redesign:

  • The DEET landing page is the official state-level employment service provided by the Government of Telangana, ensuring crucial pages are readily visible to the public of the state.

  • Streamlining the registration

    • Presently, we have two distinct landing pages highlighting our employer and jobseeker products. However, we also offer skill development programs and job fairs that require event registration.

    • Unfortunately, the current setup provides limited information and lacks data about job fairs in different colleges. Therefore, we aim to introduce and develop a unified landing page that consolidates all these aspects.

Our DEET landing page primarily targets Employers & Job Seekers.

  • Improve the main visibility of the main CTA

  • Outdated visuals and lacks of information


  • Increasing the number of organic registrations of partners and jobseeker to the DEET employer platform with improved copy

  • Reducing bounce rate of the landing page and increasing the time-on-site on the page.

  • Improve the product registration and visuals of the landing page



My goal was to offer consultancies/ job seeker a seamless application process tailored to their interests and requirements while ensuring that recruiters have a straightforward selection process.



Optimizing the DEET employer landing page

for enhanced performance